1:1 SessionS

Counselling & Psychotherapy

While food addiction and complex trauma are my specialist areas, I also support clients with other addictions, such as workaholism and activity addiction, sex, money, internet and relationships, as well as eating disorders, body image issues, and codependency. Clients often find me to deal with their food addiction and find that food is a window into deeper layers and many discover to have several addictions.

Some people are looking for more practical strategies to manage or cope, while others want to do deeper healing work. Often, we will do a bit of both.  

You can learn more About Me and  How I Work.  

Booking Information

Thursdays & Fridays 8:00am - 6:30pm (AEST)
Session Length: 60 or 90 minutes
Via Zoom or phone.

Note: I sometimes offer sessions at other times. Contact me to book an appointment. 

Pricing Information

60-minute sessions AU$ 165
90-minute sessions AU$ 247

Daily food plan commitment via text or email:
Less frequent clients: $60 per week.
For weekly/fortnightly clients: no charge

In a Crisis

For immediate assistance call: 000  or Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
Additional emergency numbers: 
NSW Mental Health Access Line 1800 011 511
Lifeline 13 11 14

Beyond Blue 1300 223 636
Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 737 732 

What to ExpEct

The initial 15 minute free consultation 
will give us both an opportunity to express what you need help with and if I am a good fit for you.
The first session 
will be an opportunity to discuss your challenges and goals in more detail so that we can create a map of how I can best support you. This intake session is also used to answer any questions or concerns you may have about coming to therapy.
Working online 
There is a good evidence base that says that online and phone counselling and therapy is just as effective as face-to-face services. The therapeutic relationship is considered one of the most important factors in the success of treatment. A warm and supportive relationship can be established online and over the phone. Having lived in a variety of countries and locations where suitable services weren’t available, I can personally attest to having been a client in plenty of online and phone coaching, counselling and therapy settings.
How many sessions 
As a general guide, I would say that psychotherapy is a weekly or fortnightly long-term process. Having said that, some people have preferred to just explore a specific matter for a few sessions. It really depends on what you need, and we will keep working together to evaluate how you are going. I don’t offer quick fix solutions. I do recommend resources and also encourage you to explore peer support networks, because they provide free and daily support. 
After a session 
You may feel a range of emotions like relief because you've shared something big and felt heard. You could feel energised because you have discovered something new about yourself or set a goal. Exhaustion can be felt, when you've found the session emotionally challenging. There may also be frustration or upset if you feel you didn't get what you wanted out of your session. Overwhelm is also common after painful or difficult memories surface. On occasion you may even feel the urge to quit. Write these feelings down and we can discuss them in our next session.
Will I see results?  
I am qualified as a life coach, counsellor and psychotherapist with a specialist certification in food addiction counselling. Working with me may help you with unpacking limiting beliefs, becoming aware of and changing your thinking, emotional and behaviour patterns over time. Counselling may be beneficial in helping you work through a particular issue. Psychotherapy is usually longer-term work based on the idea that thoughts and feelings that you may not be aware of can cause challenges in your life. We work to bring unconscious thoughts, feelings and actions into your conscious mind to heal underlying deep core wounds. The process is not linear and there are benefits and risks. It often involves discussing unpleasant aspects of your life, and you may experience uncomfortable feelings like sadness, guilt, anger, frustration, loneliness, and helplessness. But there are also many benefits, such as  better relationships, solutions to specific concerns, and significant reductions in feelings of distress. There are no guarantees of what you will experience or how long it will take. To be sure to give you the best outcome possible we will continue to evaluate your needs and you can stop or pause at any time.    

Acknowledgement of Country
I recognise the history, culture, diversity and value of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, and acknowledge their Elders past and present.

I acknowledge that sovereignty has never been ceded, and support reconciliation, justice and the recognition of the ongoing living culture of all First Nations people by providing welcoming and culturally informed services. 

Embracing inclusivity and diversity,  I also support a culture of inclusion, respect, choice, voice and diversity and am committed to supporting all people to be mentally well and engaged in their communities.